
The Miracle Healing Powers of Osha Root, i.e Bear Medicine; The Spirit Woman, Rose

Recently, my friend, Prax and I harvested osha root in the Pecos Mountains near Santa Fe, NM.  Osha root  (ligusticum porteri)  grows in mountain ranges in the Southwest which reach a height of at least nine thousand feet.   Osha has been used for centuries by the Hispanic people and Native Americans. The primary healing quality of osha is antibacterial and antiviral.  It is also known for healing arthritis, cleaning out the lungs, and treating colds and flus at the onset. Osha is an herb to have on hand during these turbulent days of the "pandemic".   Bear, in my shamanic journeys, has been encouraging me to connect with osha.   Another reason, as I said on a Facebook page, Bear was showing up a lot in  my journeys, was to encourage me to send out a book proposal to Bear and Co-which I did (we'll see what happens).  But once I was in the mountains, surrounded by osha--I began to feel Her strength.  And an hour or so after harvesting the osha, while I was washing the root

Ruth Badar Ginsberg: An Old Leaf Withers and Butterflies Are Freed

.   I received two readings on Ruth Badar Ginsberg, the Supreme Court Judge, who reportedly died yesterday, 9/18/2020. The first reading, came, unexpectedly, from Princess Diana. I was journeying to Upper World with questions for my guides about mind control and targeting when I saw Diana, who seemed to be waiting for me. It is an honor to be in her presence so I quickly cleared my mind of my own agenda.   I said "Hello" and indicated to her I was interested in whatever it was she wanted to say I sensed her anxiety about her son, Prince Harry.  It is one of the reasons she is even more accessible to me than usual.  She has focused a lot of her energy in America.  I know she feels he is vulnerable right now (please see my Youtube videos to find out why on Bethesdastar)  I also knew she was not there to talk about Harry, We stood and looked down over the Earth. I saw Ruth disintegrate like something had exploded into very fine particles.  Not a loud explosion, just a burst and

Targeting Is Out of Control, Colloidal Silver, Osha, Flower Essences and Shamanism

I usually always want to to talk about healing; the beauty of Lower World; the grandeur of Upper World; and power animals, angels, healing herbs, crystals, and flower essences.  Targeting, especially electronic targeting, is just so evil and such a downer, that I try to avoid it--which, unfortunately, doesn't make it go away. But the past few days have been particularly hard.  My perpetrators sent waves of radiation into my chest at night while I slept.   I usually have on a lead vest but I left it in Maine and it seemed to take forever to have it sent back to me here in Santa Fe, NM. Two days ago, my chest hurt so bad I thought I had pneumonia.  I think they want me to get sick with "the virus"--whatever that is.   In my visions, I have seen that "the virus" is partly made up of technology.  It can be directed, or maybe the right word is, "activated".  Anyway, my perps have also started  to pin prick my feet..At first, I thought I was getting bitten--

Prophecy and Predictions: Trump Wins In a Landslide, But It's Complicated. Is Biden Already Gone? Major Earth Changes

  After the upheaval, civil wars, earth changes and the children are free, we will return to a Paradise Earth. In my visions lately, I have seen cataclysmic earth changes on the east and west coasts of America in the near future.   In my channeled messages from Princess Diana she also spoke of tidal waves and earth quakes on both American coastlines.  She also said, about five years ago, that England would be severely flooded. I have seen President Trump victorious.  It seems he will win the second term presidency in a landslide of votes.   It is not a normal victory.  He is outside of the normal realm.  He won in votes, but the whole process became polluted by his enemies.  A new standard of election will be created.  We are leaving behind an old paradigm and will be creating a new one in regards to American government.  We will never be the same and Presidents will never be elected in the same manner as they have been for centuries.  There will be civil war and cities will continue t

Messages From My Power Animals and Spirit Guides

Today I asked my power animals for a message for humanity that would be pertinent to right now. At first my consciousness stayed in Middle World (the world we all live in).  Lion's beautiful golden eye and then his full body appeared.  He was facing me.  Over his shoulder I saw an empty desert, with only a few cactus and short, dense trees populating the barren landscape.  Lion turned to his left and  looked up at the sky. We both watched as something began to appear on the horizon. My view expanded and I saw that there were actually many animals in the desert  standing still and staring at the sky, along with Lion and myself.   It appeared a storm was coming, but it was red and cloudy and seemed to fill the whole sky. It wasn't a normal storm. Then the animals began to walk away and off the desert surface. They went underground, through holes and caves. The surface of the desert was empty except for this encroaching storm I wanted to verify this information so I took a journey

The Shark, Moses, Returns to Cape Cod

Several months ago I channeled important information from Shark  (specifically one shark, Moses)  and Seal. Both of these Species provided a warning to humanity about the dangers of 5G, artificial intelligence and transhumanism.  Sacred Hoop Magazine in the UK is publishing the article in its entirety this month, March 2020 You can also see this article on my website (in case you are viewing this outside the website) under Message In A Shark. I was at Nauset Beach in Orleans on Cape Cod early this morning and I suddenly felt Moses wanted to communicate again.  I was going to take a walk along the shore, but instead, went up to the dune line, and with my coffee in hand, sat down on the soft, almost warm sand, and closed my eyes. Immediately,  I saw Moses, more or less in the first  place I had seen him (a lagoon of some sort) a few months ago while I was at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham.  I asked him about Targeted Individuals; specifically how we could further protect o


When I returned to Cape Cod recently (after having lived here briefly in 2005) I was immediately informed by-- just everybody I ran into-- that Sharks now dominated the oceans here.  The scientists believe it is the healthy seal population that has increased the shark numbers.  But as a shaman, I could sense there was something more happening here.  Walking alone late at night, I felt the air was infused with an intense "message" which I immediately connected to Shark. Shamans communicate with all living Beings through the web of life.  I love my relationship with my Power Animals. I also understand that other Beings, like Sharks, have messages for humanity. There is often a scientific reason behind phenomenon but there is usually also always a spiritual reason; an omen; a message;  prediction; when Animals are involved.   The entire universe is an empire of love designed to uplift humanity--and humans are often held up, guided, protected, loved, and informed --through Animal